Should you buy an Electric Car over a Gasoline Car?

Electric cars have gained so much popularity everywhere since Tesla launched its first fully electric "Tesla Roadster" going from 0-60 in just 3.7 sec which just changed the mindsets of people about electric cars.

A decade ago, Electric cars were known as slow machines with a little range and low efficiency. Nobody wanted to buy them and
that's why they never came into mass production.
But now, these Electric Cars are not just fast but also too much efficient than the gasoline engine cars. Also, the powerful electric engine provides you an enormous amount of torque which helps accelerate the car rapidly giving you the feel of that instant G-force which drives you crazy while the gasoline cars can provide you with torque into a limited extent only. One major advantage of electric cars comes here that the cost of maintaining an Electric Car is One-third of that of maintaining a gasoline car. They don't need certain lubricants which you need in your gasoline car.

Now, let's come to the carbon emission of EV's which I'll tell you that there's no such thing in its case, so it gives a plus point again in comparison to gasoline cars. While there is actually a higher carbon emission in case of EV's in the production process in comparison to gasoline cars but if we consider the overall carbon emission in both cases then, ofcourse, EV's win again as it will cover the gap in a few years.

Not just a great engine but electric cars have great features also which gives you a glimpse of the future of cars. These electric cars are equipped with smart AI systems which helps you assist in your driving and control all the functions of your car making your driving experience much easier. You can switch to automatic driving and then sit comfortably till your car drives you to your destination. Also, they are much more safer as these electric cars are equipped with many cameras and sensors which are controlled by AI which responds quickly whenever it observes such movements around you and saves you from accidents. These features are in gasoline cars also but still electric cars lead them anyway.
Also, electric cars are equipped with many power regeneration systems which helps you increase the range of your car and also they have a low centre of gravity as compared to gasoline cars which provides you better stability and performance.

But still there are pros and cons of everything and the biggest of them is that these electric cars have a limited range ,so you need to charge them after certain intervals and the problem comes here that the charging stations are less and are situated at long distances. But these problems will be solved soon as the charging stations will increase after a few years and will be easily available at nearby locations. The second problem is the time required to charge the battery because you need to wait a certain time for that but this will also be soon overcome as the technology will improve and there is an another option of battery swapping stations where you can take your car and then they will change the battery of your car. So if you are a person who is very time conscious, then you can go for it but it will cost you a bit more money.

Another disadvantage of electric cars is that these are equipped with a single-speed transmission, so there is no option of manual multi-speed transmissions which you get in other cars. So, if you are a manual lover then you need to sacrifice here. And again one of the major difference is that these electric cars are too silent, so you can't hear that growling sound of engine which you hear in gasoline cars.

Altogether, I'll say that Electric Cars are the new eco-friendly future. So if you are going to buy a new car then you can consider to get these new upgrades to your life.
